Many conversations I've been having with fellow 1st year track students lately are centered around wondering where our lives have disappeared to, and how to balance the tremendous workload with the other important aspects of our lives.
This weekend, I had to take a day to finally clean my house - and not a good cleaning, more just to sort the piles of exploded debris that has accumulated here and there. The mail table had reached and unsettlingly steep angle of repose made up of political glossy ads, opened, disordered bills and unopened credit card offers. The dishes here and there throughout the house left me wondering "What was I eating in the laundry room?". There is a stack of packages to be mailed that is beginning to number in the double digits. We were entirely out of fresh food last week because I had to catch up on reading "The Tempest" - a feat that took me about 12 hours to complete.
The pièce de résistance happened today, when my husband called me and asked if I had class tonight. He told me he wanted to take me to The Farm, one of our favorite celebration restaurants. I think I snorted as I said "Why?" incredulously. He responded "Because it's our anniversary."
My heart sank, and soared at the same moment. I laughed and cried at the same time. My husband remembered our anniversary! In my primitive understanding of modern marriage, I had thought husbands don't remember that date. I felt like an ass for not remembering because my head has been buried in scripts.
We've been together for 14 years, and married for two. I don't usually forget dates like this. In fact, I've always been super into celebrating milestones. I am so dreadfully embarrassed that this one slipped my mind. Luckily, Tyler really wants me to be the best actor I can become, so I can get away with this one. But his birthday is coming up. I'm thinking of having the date tattooed to my wrist so I don't forget it.
I have to go practice my Shakespeare monologues with Nicole and Linda at 5pm, I need to get homework done for tonight by 6:30pm, and I need to find something cotton (the 2 year wedding gift category) for my husband by 10pm.
Any suggestions?
I’ve been trying for sometime to develop a lifestyle that doesn’t require my presence. –Gary Trudeau
Life isn’t about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself. –George B. Shaw
Reality is the leading cause of stress for those in touch with it. I can take it in small doses, but as a life style I find it too constraining. –Jane Wagner
“Reality is something you rise above.” –Liza Minnelli
“Life’s like a movie/write your own ending.” –Kermit the Frog
My doctrine is: Live that thou mayest desire to live again, -- that is thy duty, -- for in any case thou wilt live again!
~ Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Nicely said!
Dear Phoebe,
I relate to your story SO much.
I find myself sleeping in the mornings, not sleeping at night, eating when I can, etc. But truly, I am SO happy. No matter what, this is worth it. Don't you think? I am learning so much that I feel lucky to be able to do this in this exact moment of my life.
I also very happy to be with this group, lovely!!!!!
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