Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Crunch Time: "We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!"

The temperture is rising within the walls of the Historic Firehouse Theatre (home to PAC) as the 2008 Season of Plays is only 2 weeks away! We are swirling and twirling (well, those of us who know how to twirl) and buzzing about like professional theatre folk do. Today is the final designer run thru of the play before the ever-so-pleasurable tech week begins.

Each class of the Conservatory ends their 2- year Actor Training with a season of plays and
"We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!" is the Class of 2008's first. They have a long few weeks ahead of them and we wish them all the best of luck!

Let us all take a moment and BREATHE..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are there any pics of the rehearsals or the set construction? I'd love to see some!