Friday, May 23, 2008

Jeff Whitty-cisms

Boy oh boy do I wish I actually had something witty to say about our rehearsals. But no. I have learned, though, that "penis" is a funny word. You can almost guarantee a laugh just by saying it.

So let's see, where are we? On Wednesday we had our first run through the entire play. They call this first run a stumble-through, and boy howdy did I ever stumble. Know what I hate? Feeling like I've made a little progress, then feeling like I've taken a larger step backward. That's pretty much how I felt after the run, but remember, I said to myself, a stumble-through is almost meant to be bad. You can imagine this didn't make me feel much better.

Thursday marked the beginning of a stop/start moment-to-moment journey through the play. I gotta tell ya, I've been waiting for this. It might just be because my huge ego craves personal attention, but I really like working a scene and getting told to stop and go through pieces of it again and again. I often feel like I make real progress during those kinds of sessions, and Thursday was no exception. Not that I'm all the way there yet, or anything, but after feeling sort of... stagnant, I guess, it was a very welcome relief. The trick now is to keep all the energy/depth/understanding/whatever as we move forward. Not just keep it, in fact, but add to it, improve upon it, take it, dare I say, to the max. So I'm rambling, I know, but I'm not very good about talking about this process, and this is just how I have to do it.

To change subjects dramatically, I also had my first head-shot photo-shoot experience today. I have to say, it was a lot of fun. I spent about 3 hours with the photographer, who kept me entertained the whole time, and even burned me a CD of what he called the best Elvis album ever. We took around 800 pictures, and in a couple of days I'll begin narrowing them down to the best 10 or so. Honestly, that is a little daunting, but I will be forcing, I mean asking, people to help me decide. In some of them, I am wearing a cowboy hat!

Well, I need to get to THE GYM  now, so this marks the end of my rambling post. I hope it isn't too much of a Tortuous Conundrum.

- Tom

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