Monday, May 5, 2008

A Venezuelan walking this path

Acting 3, second week… How come time went so fast!
Since I began my journey in PAC last summer I have learned so much about acting, but must of all about myself.
I was born in Texas but raised in Venezuela. My accent is something I love and fear at the same time. Sometimes it feels especial, unique and reminds me of my life and where I come from. In the other hand, I am working in the consciousness that awakes when I have to work in a scene that doesn’t necessarily “require” my accent.
It’s hard because I usually have to work extra in my pronunciation. My teachers had been very patient with me. Connor, who speaks a very good Spanish by the way, has shown me the correct pronunciation and definition of some very old words (Shakespeare class).
Some of the words I struggle the most are “yes” and “this”. I really have to highlight those words in the text so I become aware where they are. In acting I Beth really made emphasis in my “yes” pronunciation.
I really love when teachers take the time to work in details like that. It makes me feel appreciated and the education becomes very powerful and nourishing for the actor.
It’s amazing to be in this place and be walking this path with so many great people…

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