Wednesday, May 7, 2008


In Acting 3 Monday nite (5/5/08) Beth made us do the mirror exercise. I've done it before with varying degrees of success. One thing that influences it is just how seriously the participants are taking it; if one or both are being flippant, then it is just a piece of silliness you do in acting class to pass the time. However, if both take it seriously it can become something very interesting.

Mon nite was the first time I connected really deeply with my partner. I had connected before, but this time it was open and deep almost from the start and very intense. My partner, who shall remain nameless, is someone I'm very fond of but as an actor just haven't been feeling that connection with, ever. When we did the exercise though, I found myself looking at him thinking, "Oh, there *you* are, not the mask I usually see. It's so wonderful to finally meet you." It was amazing.

One tip for future reference is remember to BLINK during this exercise. My partner and I were staring at each other so hard I didn't and my eyes were on fire by the end. So BLINK people, BLINK!!! Blinking is important for your ocular health apparently (lol).

Now all I have to do is find my script (buried somewhere in the mess of my recently moved apt), memorize my lines by tomorrow afternoon, figure out how to walk with a bad leg (and how bad I'm going to make it) and finish up my (incredibly) over-due homework.

This won't be challenging at all. Right. Um. Sure. Definitely.



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