Friday, May 30, 2008

Proud or panicked?

I have to admit, I'm a bit, I don't know, starstruck? Intimidated? Mr. Whitty, or Jeff, can I call you Jeff?  sharing with us some of how and why you wrote The Hiding Place is very kind. I don't know if it radically changes the way I think about it, or anything, but it provides us with another, very personal, way to approach it. It also means a lot to know that you don't disapprove of, and are even excited about, what we're doing here, but it also terrifies me to imagine you using your network of spies (which you naturally have) to see just exactly what we are doing with your baby. How much less worrying it is when the playwright is long dead or simply not concerned with a small school production. But it's also inspiring, and fills me with a sense of pride knowing that the man who created this piece of art knows and cares about what we do with it.

And what are we doing with it? Had a day off yesterday, which was nice. Tonight we have our cue-to-cue, which marks the beginning of our tech weekend. Tomorrow, tech 10am-10pm (and also out first dress rehearsal!), then the same on Sunday. Remember, folks, first preview on Wednesday! Time seems terribly short. I feel very strongly the fear of not being ready, not being good enough, simply not doing this play justice. And this time I can't tell myself my fear is unjustified. I think that there have been some good things happening, but it just seems like I can't quite get there, wherever there is. Gah, enough self-pitying crap. Time to be the Ayatollah of Rock-and-Roll-a. Sure.

- Tom

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